10 events found.
Holly Bundling
Rotary Park 15250 Alama Place NE, Bainbridge IslandThe free holly handout has been set! Join Weed [...]
Holly Giveaway
Town & Country Market 343 Winslow Way E, Bainbridge IslandHolly bundles created from a holly tree cut down [...]
Zero Waste Meeting
Marge Williams Center 221 Winslow Way W, Bainbridge Island, WA, United StatesWhen: Thursday, December 5 Time: 5-6:30 Where: Marge Williams Center, [...]
SB Partner: Tree Recycling
Scout Troops 1564 and 1804 continue their longtime community [...]
Beach Exploration for Family and Friends
Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal Beach 270 Olympic Dr SE, Bainbridge Island, WA, WA 98118 United StatesBainbridge Island Beach Naturalists are planning our first nighttime [...]
Sustainable Bainbridge Board Meeting
Marge Williams Center 221 Winslow Way W, Bainbridge Island, WA, United StatesWe invite you to attend a Sustainable Bainbridge board [...]
SB Partner: BI Land Trust Annual Potluck
Grace Episcopal Church 8595 NE Day Rd, Bainbridge IslandYou’re invited to the Land Trust’s annual community gathering [...]
SB Partner: Climate Cafe
The Island School 8553 NE Day Rd, Bainbridge IslandThe Climate Café is a safe place for people [...]
SB Partner: Veg Club
Virtual Event
Whether you’re a beginner or experienced food grower, you [...]
Zero Waste General Meeting-Note date change
Marge Williams Center 221 Winslow Way W, Bainbridge Island, WA, United States
Hybrid Event
Join us for a general Zero Waste meeting on [...]