The poster above shows the mixed recyclables collected curbside through a subscription service with Bainbridge Disposal or at the Bainbridge Disposal Transfer Station. At the transfer station, garbage or recycling is $14 the first can and $8 for each additional can (2024 rates).

Make sure containers are RINSED and EMPTY; paper should be dry.
Recycle loose, NEVER in a plastic bag.

To learn where our recyclables are sold after they are trucked to the “murf” (MRF=materials recovery facility) in Tacoma, go to Kitsap Solid Waste’s page and scroll down to “Where do Kitsap’s recyclables go?”

Here are details to the above poster:


  • cans – Do not crush. Flattened cans may end up in paper bales and then are thrown away at the paper mill.

NO aluminum foil or food trays (If clean, these can go in the small scrap metal collection bin at the Bainbridge Island Senior/Community Center, or they may be put in the scrap metal dumpster at the Bainbridge Disposal Transfer Station for perhaps a small fee.)


  • bottles & jars (no lids)

NO drinking glasses
NO window panes

Glass food storage containers – If you can’t reuse or gift them, put in the Zero Waste bin outside the Marge Williams Center, 221 Winslow Way West.


  • food cans

NO scrap metal (goes in the scrap metal dumpster at the Bainbridge Disposal Transfer Station)


  • junk mail
  • magazines and catalogues
  • newspaper
  • copy paper
  • construction paper
  • wrapping paper (not embossed, metallic foil or glittery)
  • paper or frozen food boxes (no liners, PLEASE flatten)
  • paper bags
  • phone books
  • milk and juice cartons (not Tetrapaks)

NO paper cups, plates or bowls (put in trash)
NO non-tearable paper (put in trash)
NO stickers or sticker backing (put in trash)
NO shredded paper (put in compost if free of plastic)
NO greasy pizza boxes (put in compost)
NO tissue paper (put in compost)
NO tissues, paper towels or paper napkins (put in compost)


  • bottles & jugs & jars (put caps in trash)
  • dairy tubs (no lids)

Click the button above for the Bainbridge Disposal/Kitsap County poster of what is accepted in curbside recycling and in the mixed recycling container (although there is a separate container for cardboard) at the Bainbridge Disposal Transfer Station.

Watch this 10-minute video made by the Association of Mission-Based (nonprofit) Recyclers that will open your eyes as to why our recycling is so contaminated.

Last updated 4/3/2024