We support projects that increase ease & safety of children walking & cycling to school. Safe Routes to School is a community-driven initiative supported by parents, extended families, teachers, school administrators and transportation professionals.

Goals & Benefits

When kids walk and bike to school, it boosts their confidence, attendance and academic performance. Walking & cycling gives kids more time to be physically active, spend time outdoors, connect with their friends and neighbors. This nurtures social connection, mental health and feelings of wellbeing.

Resources & Funding

WSDOT Safe Routes to School program https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/LocalPrograms/SafeRoutes provides technical assistance and funding to public agencies to improve conditions for and encourage children to walk and bike to school. Funding is administered through a competitive application process. Post project studies from grants across Washington state indicate +20% increases in walking & cycling after completing Safe Routes to School projects.

Danas Trail

Dana’s Trail

Dana’s Trail, scheduled for completion late 2020, is our island’s first Safe Routes to Schools project: https://www.squeakywheels.org/2019/12/28/sw-is-donating-30000-in-a-matching-partnership-with-cobi/